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TIOPA Community
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It just takes one
Application and You are Free from Credentialing and Back to Caring.
Helping Ensure That:
Helping Ensure That:
Our Independent Providers Stay that Way
Network News & Updates
Network News & Updates
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Our goal at Tiopa is to offer our Providers the best health plan agreements we possibly can. As a messenger model IPA, which prohibits the negotiation of prices or price- related terms, Tiopa’s focus is to reduce the administrative costs associated with health plan contracting for all parties. As a result, our members are able to make informed, independent decisions regarding participation in any of the health plans offered by Tiopa. In addition, our Providers maintain their right to enter into direct contracts with a managed care plan if it serves their best interest.
Through its contractual relationship with the contracted managed care companies, TIOPA has received delegated credentialing status with all of the contracted companies.
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TIOPA maintains contracts with more than forty managed care companies covering over one hundred plans of coverage
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TIOPA maintains contracts with fifty managed care companies covering one hundred and four plans of coverage
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We are excited to announce that we have a new, more innovative Member Access in order for you to see your plan information as well as have the ability to have better insight into your information that we have in our system.
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TIOPA, Inc. is an independent, physician owned IPA

We deliver health care to the public and instruction in the areas of medical science, public health, and hygiene useful to the individual and beneficial to the community.
Free subscription to premium resources.
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The TIOPA provider plan listing is a convenience we are pleased to provide to Web users.
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Learn more about TIOPA membership benefits.
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TIOPA, Inc. is an independent, physician owned IPA which is managed by a nine member Board of actively practicing physicians licensed in the State of Texas.

Application Deadlines

Initial Applications for the month of

Expedited Applications for the month of