Explore our range of extra services designed to support our providers.
Required Documents
You will need the following documents before applying for extra services:
- IRS CP 575 Letter
- Voided Check or Bank Letter
- Secretary of State Certificate of Formation/Fact
- Driver’s License or Passport
Request Extra Services
Complete the online form below to request extra services now!
Medicare Enrollment
We assist with Medicare PTAN enrollments and reassignments for all providers, including opening a new practice and joining existing ones.
BlueCross Blue Shield
TIOPA will obtain the Provider ID (PID) that is required for enrollment into one of Texas’s largest carriers.
Medicaid Enrollment
We offer enrollment services for new practices and performing providers for TMHP Medicaid.
CAQH Proview Management
We create and maintain CAQH Proview, an online form that networks use to view provider information and demographics.
RailRoad Medicare Applications
We enroll providers in Railroad Medicare and obtain RR PTANs for you, ensuring seamless integration with your practice.
Extra Service Links
Join TIOPA Today
TIOPA, Inc. is an independent, physician-owned IPA managed by a nine-member Board of actively practicing physicians licensed in Texas.
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